Jersey Shore Jazz Workshop Small groups consist of adult musicians who have no improvisation experience; all the way to semi-pro musicians and full-time music teachers or professionals looking to shift their professional focus during an economic change in the music business . Each group is assembled with the aptitude and experience of its members in mind. It is the perfect environment for learning.
Small groups meet for two hours per session; two times each month;
A session is $110 and JSJW covers costs of the studio, prepares the music, forms the groups, and coaches the sessions.
Students are billed for two sessions at the beginning of each month and have no obligation to continue.
LEARN TO BE A CONTRIBUTING OR LEADING MEMBER OF A BAND. Communication, group dynamics and attentive listening skills are all addressed during the class.
HARMONY, THEORY, EAR TRAINING as well as MELODIC DEVELOPMENT concepts are discussed during class.
PUSHING OURSELVES TO THE NEXT LEVEL, is what we're all about. This is a place to put your years of practicing into action. You will have plenty of time to play and hang with your band members, and yet you will also have a clear plan of what to practice for your next class.
RECITALS, GIGS and NETWORKING (THE HANG) are my goals for you. When you're ready, you perform in public venues and clubs for your friends and family. You also will network with musicians of all levels of development; helping you along your path to becoming a well-rounded musician.
THE JERSEY SHORE JAZZ COMPOSITION STUDIES are available for those that are pursuing improvement in their writing techniques. I share my years experience of writing for military and civilian musicians as well as the guidance I received during my studies with some of the greatest jazz composers of our generation. Virtual big band utilized for JSJW reading sessions.
PRIVATE COACHING AND CAREER CONSULTATION is available for selected students that desire a personalized approach to self-improvement and career guidance. During my 22 years of military service I inspired many Soldier-Musicians to do what they thought was impossible, IMPROVE THEIR MUSICIANSHIP. Those same methodologies are now available to inspired civilian musicians of our community.